Sunday, March 30, 2008

“Taming American power” by Stephen M. Walt

Stephen M. Walt notices to bilateral position of the United States as mightiest state in the whole world. On one hand its power is a source of pride and opportunity and gives it security and capacity to mold the world according to its interest and values, and on the hand, rest of the world find united states a big trouble and response to this power in the way that might threat the unique position of the united states and disable America to achieve its foreign policy goals and may eventually undermine its dominant position.
At first , the author explain the dominant global position of the united states and the process in which it used its power to mold the world according to its own interests and values since the end of the cold war. After cold war, presidents George H.W. Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush made American primacy with the motto of peace, prosperity, and justice. All of them wanted to create liberal –capitalist world order, while they applied different approaches; President George H.W. Bush and President Clinton followed this goal via multilateral institutions which had been created since 1845, but Bush administration found unilateralism more practical than multilateralism. They tried to increase U.S. power and influence to prevent the speared of weapons of mass destruction, to librated the world economy and to promote the core U.S. values of democracy and human rights.
United States is the only great power in modern history; it has the largest economy ( after world war II its share of global production is 50 percent, it is also more divers and self-sufficient than other economic powers) , overwhelming military supremacy (the U.S. defense expenditures is seven times larger than that of the china which is the number-two power) , institutional influence (U.S. plays a unique role in the most important global organizations such as WTO, IMF and world bank), dominant cultural and ideological impact (U.S. has a great soft power to shape preferences of others through the inherent attractiveness of U.S. culture, ideology , and institution) and even a favorable geopolitical position Clearly, with these positions, U.S. is the first in the order, importance, and authority.
Desire of primacy was the momentous goal of United States that it was trying for, before the cold war. In fact, collapse of the Soviet Union was the intended result of four decades of U.S. effort. Since then U.S. began to promote a favorable imbalance of power; for example it claimed that United States should maintain military capabilities large enough to discourage potential rivals from trying to compete. It prevented from spread of weapon particularly nuclear weapons while it remains the strongest conventional forces. Another example is that United States leaders always claimed to uphold democratic values and to promote United States ideals of democracy and human rights, while, after the end of the cold war, democracy and human rights became an invisible issue on the united sates foreign policy agenda.
Primacy does not protect U.S. from all dangers because it creates fear and resentment around the world. From a realist point of view, American position in the world alarms and angers others and U.S. will face suspicion and resentment, because other states are sensitive to the balance of power and when one state becomes stronger than the others they get uncomfortable, they find the super-power as a potential threat to the rest. According to constructivism, primacy is a danger for U.S. because other states respond to the physical power that the United States possesses, and to the policies it pursues and even to the ways US power is described an understood.
The fact is that the U.S. has abused its power and harmed other states which were not evil. “Conflicts of interests” is another thing that frightens other states, because each country has its own condition, history, resources, geographic location and…. Thus the interests of various states with various conditions may lead to conflicts of interests and as a result the most powerful state ignores or damages other states interests in the interest of itself. On the other hand it is not certain that how the United States will behave in future, maybe it will not remain benevolent and maybe it will become aggressive in the future. An other reason that causes countries feel uncomfortable is that even if United States does not want to use from its power against other states, its policies damage them because foreign policy has unintended consequences, mightier states have more freedom to action and more damage others even if they do not mean to do it. Therefore, due to these explanations, many countries are increasingly uncomfortable with United States primacy. Some others are opposed America, they created the concept of anti-Americanism. They found America as an evil which has immoral culture and society and suffers from various sorts of social ills..
History shows that United States damaged many states dramatically. North Korea and People’s Republic of china have experienced a long period of American hostility. U.S., also, waged war against Germany and Japan in World War II, killed huge number of people in each society, dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. United States intervened in Cuba, Mexico, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and elsewhere in order to protect its business interests. Anti-Americanism is the result of both previous and current global position which has created by United States policies.

But yet there are few countries seem willing to contort the United States directly. Their pro-Americanism arises from the fear that American culture is too attractive, they claim that U.S. political system is based on a set of universal principals of individual rights and human liberty.

Stephen M. Walt also, noticed that United States primacy does not prevent weaker states from challenging its power, provided that they can do so without threatening core U.S. interests .it means that states those want to do something against United States would seek to windows of opportunity because attacking U.S. directly led to an inevitable forceful U.S. response- the same thing that happened to al Qaeda after September 11-.
He considers to various strategies that states may employ to oppose United States primacy; states may response to super power by balancing power against the dominant states. Traditional balance-of-power theory argues that the material capabilities including population, economic wealth, military power, and natural resources should be distributed among states. In any case the countries that want to balance the distribution of power are trying to improve their position vis-à-vis the United States. Balancing can be done by mobilizing internal resources or by allying with others; “Soft balancing” (with others), “hard balancing” (on their own), “internal balancing” (through various asymmetric strategies) are the ways of balancing. Balking is another strategy that states can employ, in this strategy they ignore U.S. request. By binding they try to constrain US behavior within an overarching set of international institutions. Blackmail also can be an effective strategy in which blackmaker should harm U.S. interests or convince U.S leader.

After all it should be said United States still remains the dominant world power, but it must change its foreign policy and welcomes the benevolent use of its power to obtain more legitimacy.

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