Saturday, May 17, 2008

Reaganite Realism Should Guide Foreign Policy -Richard V. Allen

Richard V. Allen as Reagan's first national security advisor explains Reagan's policies in his administration era. Allen believes that the mystery of Reagan's success is his believe in "having simple answers to complex question not to be simplistic". He argues that Regan tried to deal with foreign challenges and domestic struggles that have treated United States but there were some principals that Regan was regarding in his policies; first of all Regan did not believe in military power for strategic problems, Reagan had a plan, a grand strategy and at the same time he welcomed advisors'ideas and tried to learn from adversaries.
In Regan era as other administrations, United States had encountered with various foreign challenges especially Islamic terrorism. Allen explains how Regan acted in that critical situation. The foreign policy of the United States during Reagan administration was the strategy of "peace and strength".
As Allen cites Reagan brought the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion. He changed the policy of "détente" by the previous administrations- Nixon, Ford, and Carter- . In his new policy he focused on three fronts; decrease Soviet access to high technology and diminish their resources, including depressing the value of Soviet commodities on the world market; increase American defense expenditures to strengthen the U.S. negotiating position; and force the Soviets to devote more of their economic resources to defense and the most visible was the massive American military build-up.
Another Reagan's proposal was the Strategic Defense Initiative, he believed that defense prevented nuclear war. Reagan's supporters argued that SDI gave Reagan a stronger bargaining position.
In a policy which became known as the "Reagan doctrine", he supported anti-communism groups around the world. He found communism as a grotesque chapter in human history and he predicted that communism would collapse.
When Gorbachev ascended to power and offered to winding down the arms race, Reagan employed a skillful diplomacy and invited Gorbachev to peace. As a result of unique Reagan's policies, in 1988 the Soviets officially declared that they would no longer intervene in the affairs of allied states in Eastern Europe and also in 1989, their forces withdrew from Afghanistan. Some scholars believe that Reagan had made world safe from nuclear war.
Allen notices to the policies that Reagan had employed about Israel and Lebanon. When United States joined a unanimous U.N. Security Council Resolution and demanded that Israel withdraw from Lebanon, Reagan announced the formation of a new multinational force with France and Italy and defined a commission to "enabling the Lebanese Government to resume full sovereignty over its capital. As the president said his goal was just making it possible for the lawful authorities of Lebanon. As the result of Reagan's drastic diplomacy, according to an agreement, Lebanon and Israel ended the states of war and Israel began to withdraw from Lebanon.
About Persian Gulf, from my point of view, contrary to Allen view, Reagan's diplomacy was not fixed; it should be said that the main interest of the Reagan team regarding the Persian Gulf was landlocked Afghanistan which Soviet troops had entered in 1979 ,not Iran, or war, Reagan devoted resources to building up U.S military infrastructure in the Gulf. At first Iran remained on the back burner of the administration's policy concerns, in 1982 when Iranian troops invaded Iraq, it became obvious to Baghdad, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait that it was not possible to defeat Iran. Thus the official attention focused on the situation in the Persian Gulf. United States found that this condition threatened the stability of American allies in the region and they blamed Iran intransigence for its continuance. On the other hand U.S employed the policy of selling arms to Iran in order to forestall soviet political gains and American hostage in Lebanon. But after Iran-contra revelation United States engaged military in the Gulf against Iranian forces. Reagan's unstable policies toward Iran influenced Iran policy and in over all led to a loose of American prestige and influenced in the third world.
Totally Reagan era is evaluates as a good and moral period as I mentioned in dealing with foreign affairs, the administration was anti- communist, employed a foreign policy of "peace and strength" and played a major role in the end events of the Cold War. The collapse of the Soviet Union transformed the world from a bipolar to a unipolar military structure, providing America a unique "window of opportunity. Because of Reagan's policies and the results of them Reagan's presidency was known to many as the "Reagan Revolution,"

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