Sunday, March 30, 2008

"From wealth to power" by Fareed Zakaria (1998)

"From wealth to power" by Fareed Zakaria (1998)

Between 1870s and 1890s by growing power of federal government and presidency American political structure changed dramatically. In the 19th century when decision making became more centralized and unified and the government gained national resources, American foreign policy changed.
While, after the new deal and World War II, American state grew and the foreign policy became more active still foreign policy of Europe was more powerful.

In the American states, congress exercised its constitutionally powers and created division between international structural pressure and national policy. During the late 19th century, because of industrialization American states grew more.
When state governments became strong enough to prevent federal government from becoming all-powerful and federal government was divided into three equal branches, the “power of people” became more important. Then it was in the 19th century that the government of shared functions and divided power was created.

After civil war some changes had occurred; creation of nationalism and solidarity were some of these changes but civil war did not result to a fiscal-military state. Something that determined the condition after civil war was the battles between “president and congress”, “racial republicans and democrats” and “the North and the South”. In fact after the war, war-born ideals opposed traditional American beliefs, strong central government opposed limited government and race-blind citizenship opposed racial inequality.
On the other hand, after civil war America became a great industrial society with mass production and distribution. Gradually, business became national and national bureaucracies were founded; the civil service commission, the bureau of labor, the interstate commerce commission, in congress, new committees and subcommittees were established. As society grew, national party organizations were growth and became the most important national political institutions.

Totally In 19th century the American state was not stagnant; industrial activities increased, technologies improved, railroads expanded across the country, economy grew rapidly and with government aid came government regulation. Federal court became the most powerful authority over business and especially railroads. As business became national in scope, the battle between police power of the individual states and the federal government increased.

It was in the late 1870s that the balance between congress and the white house removed. In five areas, congress and white house struggled for power and in all of them, president has succeeded; executive independence in appointments, executive independence in cabinet nominations, congressional attempts to dictate policy and the assertion of the president’s veto power, executive independence in the dismissal of officials , shifting in policy leadership from the legislative to the executive branch.

In the late 19th century, the executive branch and the central government obtained more constitutional power, greater political power and more public legitimacy. Cleary bureaucracies were so important. In that time foreign policy and military bureaucracies were enlarged and revamped. Changes such as reform of diplomatic and consular services were parts of civil service reform movement.
Eventually by 1890s the Foreign Service became larger, more permanent and less corrupt.

Armed forces:
While United States was powerful, technologically, its army was poorly staffed, poorly equipped and poorly managed. it was in the 1880s that the public understood that the united states required more powerful armed force. The main goal was empowering the military organization. Also, a revolution in military education began.
On the other hand the control of coastal fortifications and strategic affairs moved from congressional hand s to professional military and executive branch.
After 1890, the chief executive of the United States had a meaningful foreign policy.
I the 1890s united states with the new" American state" emerged in world stage.

Becoming more powerful:
In the navy's annual report of 1899 Benjamin Tracy proposed battleship fleets for pacific and for Atlantic. It was a turning point in the history of the United States that made America a great naval power. In the next decade, united sates had a growing foreign policy.

In order to understanding the improvement of the united state, we should focus on technological advancement. With changing in agriculture and creation mass production and improvements in transportation, American became more powerful. But its economy still depended on internal market. I was in 1889 and 1913 that manufacturing exports grew and Americans began to open the door to new markets like Latin America and china.
During 1890s, the notion of national expansion affected most of the statesmen whom tried to increase American economic power like Roosevelt, Henry Cabot lodge, John Hay, Henry Adams.

Harrison and Blaine:
During Harrison and Blaine leadership, United State was more involved in external affairs. Harrison succeeded to expending American interests and commitments. During his presidency the executive authority had expanded and also the balance of power had shifted to Washington and thus in the wider world.
After McKinley administration, United States expanded into Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Walk Islands, the Philippines, and Samoa.
Under McKinley's leadership, America experienced the most extension of its interests abroad, he expanded presidential power. In any case, the presidents after McKinley ensured that United States had access to control over sea lanes, port facilities, strategic locations and. by McKinley and his successors American expansionism and foreign policy activism remained vigorous.

Theodore Roosevelt:
Roosevelt was an expansionist whom believed that expansionism was necessary and morally praiseworthy. During his presidency the world found the United States a great power. American expansionist focused on Britain, panama, Canada, central and Latin America and Asia.

As a conclusion we can say that the history of the United States was the history of transformation of a country from a revolutionary power to a status quo one. As a bicameral government, United States improved its foreign policy especially in World War I. However it found its expansionists way s and reached to unprecedented level in cold war, And after World War II united stats practiced its control over international environment and used from his power to its own interests and benefits. United States passed all stages to be a great power.

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